Monday, February 22, 2010

For the last 2 months Isaac has just been sitting in his jumper, but today he figured it out! Here's a little clip of our jumping bean!

Isaac and Meg

Caleb and I are so fortunate to have so many friends right now that also have small children. Many of our best friends also had babies this past year and it has been wonderful beginning this new time of life along side others. Isaac may not know it yet, but he already has many friends that he gets to see on a regular basis.

Our good friends Kyle and Shannon VanHeest had their first baby girl, Meg, 3 weeks after Isaac was born. Shannon and I have found we have much more in common than just our names, such as both living in the northern most part of Edmond :) (some think it's Guthrie), having no family close by, and having our babies born in August. We are usually talking on a daily basis discussing the kiddos and both having a good laugh most of the time that we're not sure what we are doing :) Shannon and I both love schedules and sometimes our babies aren't too excited about following them. We're both learning that flexibility is key with children:) It's been great having a close friend who has a child doing the exact same things as Isaac so we can compare notes. Even better, Shannon and I each have a day of the week where we watch the others child. Shannon is completing her Masters so I have Meg Thursday afternoon and she has Isaac Tuesday mornings while I'm at work. It's working out great and Isaac and Meg have weekly play dates:) The pictures below are some moments we've caught between the two of them as well as some of Isaac's other buddies. Enjoy!

Isaac Pinter & Isaac Martin

Our friends Jeanna and Brooklynn Roberts

Avery, Millie, Ethan, & Isaac

Meg and Isaac holding hands :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

The blogging has begun :)

Well, as you can see I posted my first post and then took a 6 month break! :) I guess being a new mother took up a little more time than I maybe expected, but never the less I'm back and ready to be a faithful "blogger"! These past 6 months, the first of Isaac's life, have by far been the best of ours! Being parents truly is the best and though it can get a little crazy at times it is so much fun! We can't believe have fast time has gone and that he is already six months old. He has mastered the art of rolling across the room, loves his mom's green peas:), and is fully living up to the meaning of his name by laughing all the time. He pretty much has a smile on his face anytime you look at him and the best times are when Caleb and I can get him giggling. It is so cute! Obviously I can't post all 1,000 photos I've taken, but I'll post the ones we love the most to give you a peak into our life:) As for Caleb and me, we wonder why we ever thought we were so busy before the little guy arrived and often wonder what use to fill our time:) Caleb's job is going really well and he just finished up his busiest month of the year. Our most recent news is that he will be starting back to school in 2 weeks at Oklahoma Christian to get his MBA. He's been thinking about it for awhile and has decided to start this March. It will be one night a week. I'm still working 2 days a week at Hospital Discount and am loving it. I really do feel like I have the perfect schedule. I work Tuesdays and Wednesdays which gives me a little time out of the house each week. It's great and Isaac loves going over to our good friends Shannon and Kyle's house to play with there daughter Meg. Well, enough for now! We'll keep you posted!